Om How Primipara Moms Experience Pain
Nature has invented reproduction and almost all the women do.
Childbirth is pleasurable event celebrated by everyone however; the
experience of a labouring woman is indefinable. According to United Nations
data, crude birth rate (2010-2015) was 19.46/1000 worldwide and in India, it
was 19.56/1000. The average global birth rate was 18.5/1000 in 2016.
In obstetrics, para is the term used to represent the number of
pregnancies reaching viable gestational age. Primipara indicates that the
woman reaching the viable gestational age for the first time and multipara
means woman had given live childbirth previously. Manijeh Pirdel & Leila
Pirdel (2007) conducted a study on comparing women's expectations of labour
and birth with the experiences of primiparas and multiparas with normal
vaginal delivery which concluded that primiparas expected and experienced
more negative emotion about labour pain.
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