Om How to Manage Inflammation Cookbook
Inflammation is not one particular malady; it is at the root of many chronic illnesses, most of which are caused by heredity, pollution, chemicals, alcohol, obesity, stress, and lack of exercise. To sum it up, our modern lifestyle can make us sick. Test after test has shown how inflammation affects chronic illness, and how it is enhanced by fried foods, processed foods, and saturated fats. Poor eating choices can cause a great deal of health damage at a time when going to MacDonald's has become the norm for too many people. What is needed is a good, old-fashioned diet that is bursting with freshness and devoid of modern toxins like the recipes in the How to Manage Inflammation Cookbook. Certain foods as better at fighting inflammation than others, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, seeds, nuts, and certain spices - foods straight from nature. This helps with inflammatory diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension. Inflammatory problems slowly sneak up on us, and the sooner we arm ourselves with the best food choices, the better our chances of a healthy life.
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