Om I Am Kind
"I Am Kind" is a heartwarming children's book that tells the story of a kind and gentle creature named Kindy, who lives in a magical land far, far away. Unlike the other creatures in the land, Kindy always thinks of others before himself. The story follows Kindy on a walk in the forest where he comes across a small and scared rabbit who is lost and can't find its way home. Kindy doesn't hesitate to help the rabbit and leads it back to its family. As Kindy continues on his walk, he comes across a group of birds whose nest has been knocked down by the wind. Kindy helps the birds rebuild their nest and the birds sing a song of thanks. Throughout the day, Kindy continues to help others in need, including a lost puppy and a butterfly stuck in a spider web. At the end of the day, Kindy returns home to his own family and is proud of all the good deeds he's done that day. From that day on, Kindy knows that being kind is the most important thing he can do and continues to spread kindness and love wherever he goes. This book is a beautiful reminder of the power of kindness and the impact one person can make on the world.
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