Om Innocent Itinerant
This is the story of November the Fifth, still celebrated today. This is the story of an innocent itinerant who was framed for a crime never considered. This is the story of government subterfuge and chicanery, mendacity and manipulation. Robert Cecil needed to get rid of the Catholic hierarchy in order to wrestle back power. Having destroyed the influence of the Puritans at The Hampton Court Conference, he then used King James's fears of assassination to concoct a plot that was so implausible it would be accepted as truth from that day to this. You might not want to hear the truth but here it is. Catesby the Catholic zealot had converted his children to The Church of England; 36 barrels of gunpowder smuggled into parliament past Cecil's sophisticated spy network and the Westminster Palace guards, really? Gunpowder was a government monopoly. An excuse to search the cellars yet another time had to be manufactured, some obscure item belong to the king. Finally, the plot would have blown up the people that it was purported the plotters were going to use to replace the regime. non of it makes much sense and all of it has Robert Cecil's fingerprints on it.
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