Om Mccallum, R: Evangelical Christian Responses to Islam
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Who was Muhammad? How do Evangelicals view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
This is a book about Evangelical Christians and how they are answering questions about Islam. It also considers the public sphere and how we conduct our debates and handle our disagreements.
Drawing on over 300 texts published by Evangelicals in the first two decades of the twenty-first century, this book explores what the Evangelical micro public sphere has to say about key issues in Christian-Muslim relations today. It is clear from the books they write, the blogs they post and the videos they make that Evangelical Christians disagree profoundly with one another over the sorts of questions above. Answers range from seeing Islam as demonic through to embracing Muslims as cousins. This book looks at some of their answers and considers where they may lead in the future.
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