Om Peculiar Girl
The thought-provoking, emotional and inspiring story of an autistic women in her late 20Õs. Ever since being diagnosed with AspergerÕs Syndrome Ð the high functioning type, Georgia has been urged to share her journey with others in hope to shed some light on the vast array of challenges that trying to sustain yourself in employment poses for autistic people. Despite graduating from university in July 2016 with a First Class BSc Hons Degree and a tank full of ambition, she has found the working world an unaccepting source of bullying and discrimination; propelling her into 4 different jobs within less than 2 years of graduating. The book considers reasons that contribute to why only 15-20% of the autistic population are in full-time employment, and it provides interesting insights for the autistic community, their relatives, employers, students and professionals who wish to gain a greater understanding of autism in the workplace.
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