Om Recorriendo la Memoria / Touring Memory
This volume is a collection of papers given at a session at the JIA 2009 conference. The thread of the contributions focuses on two concepts: Memory and Archaeology. The word "Memory" refers to the past, our individual memories and the collective ones. "Wander around memory" (Recorrer la memoria) is a Spanish phrase that means "to think in order to remember what happened". Now that retrieving (historical) memory is changing from being a commitment to being a fashion, it is more needed to "wander around memory" to set our position as professionals in archaeology. All the contributions in this volume share a common idea: the analysis of "memories" generated from conflict. Too frequently, collective memory brews around different traumatic events framed in armed conflicts. Conflict generates memory, but memory generates conflict too, feeding a vicious circle manifested in some of the processes to retrieve historical memory that are still open today.
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