Om Severed Lifeline
Severed Lifeline is a British Police Procedural Crime set in London, EnglandDS Albie Edwards is assigned to a demanding case involving a missing schoolgirl and at the same time his personal life life is in array.Each decision he makes will affect either the life of a young girl or his family and career.Which will prevail? When loyalty goes beyond the bounds of duty...DS Edwards is pushed to his limits when he is torn between finding a missing teenage girl and the near fatal attack on a member of his family.Morgan Edwards travelled to London to help the daughter of a murder victim. On his first day in town, he is attacked near a park and taken to hospital where he laid unconscious.Georgia Rolan is a fifteen-year-old school girl is reported missing by her parents. Albie and his team are tasked with investigating her disappearance.As DS Edwards attempts to appease his family, and battles with his own feelings of guilt, the trail left by Georgia Rolan is increasing in complexity and chances of finding her alive improbable.Will DS Edwards forsake the life of a young girl and his career for the sake of his mentor and father figure?
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