It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong...
Hunted down by their government's secret service, the members of protest band Kha Cring flee to Los Angeles to begin a new life. After an unexpected attack, the musicians' safe exile in LA is jeopardized.
The desire to fight for their country's freedom undiminished, the band find their soaring popularity and politically messaged music no longer enough to protect them from the evil they escaped.
A deadlier weapon is needed. Nicholas Sharp.
In an instant things go terribly wrong as Sharp finds himself the focus of a network of international conspirators intent on wiping both he and the members of Kha Cring from the face of the planet.
Somewhere between Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan and Robert Crais' Elvis Cole, Nicholas Sharp may be a flawed hero, but you sure as hell want him on your side.
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