Om Tengoku
"Aozora Kaede is a runaway, trying to escape from her noble family as they turn down a dark path. With only her wolf companion, Rin, and a small pack of supplies, she must leave everything she's ever known behind. Homura Imari is a daimyo's daughter, eager to get out and see the world for herself before she takes over her father's position as the leader of Mirai. Constantly underestimated by her peers because of her missing hand, she has nevertheless managed to learn the ways of the samurai. When Imari enlists Kaede's services as her yojimbo--her bodyguard--both set off on an adventure that will help Imari replace her missing hand, force Kaede to confront the past she is running from, and protect the Empire of Akatsuki Teikoku from an evil threat."--Page [4] of cover.
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