Om The Alien Hosts of Evil and the Hierarchies of Chaos
Within Sephiroth we have a set of 10 spheres, where the first wait, Malkuth, is at the base of everything, man passes through several dimensions until reaching the crown, Kheter. The same occurs in the universe, the Creator did not just make the earth as an inhabited world, we are part of a set of parallel worlds and universes, all interconnected, linked by the love of the Eternal and balanced by the fight between light and chaos, which causes the expansion and retraction of the universe in alternating cycles. It is the solve and coagulate of alchemy... The thought that man is the center of the universe and that there is only life on earth arose in the medieval anthropocentrism of the clergy, who sent to the stake those who denied the theory that the earth was the center of the universe, condemning them to ostracism, insults and persecution of those who thought differently. Today the world has evolved, but this retrograde thinking is ingrained in the Western mind, and even with thousands of UFO sightings and abductions, most people still do not believe in the existence of beings from other worlds, limiting their mentality to earthly reality like the ant. who dies crushed without deviating from her path. For thousands of years, beings from the stars maintained contact with the earth, some of them helped our development and others enslaved us... they made us believe that they were our gods and creators, placing in the background the role of the Unique Creator of beings and worlds, the creator of all life forms and all time cycles. Both the flood and the destruction of Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria and other civilizations, other eras, occurred because of the action of these angels of chaos diverting the worship of the only creator and wanting to take Hashem's place in people's mentality. Hashem is the Ain Soph of the Kabbalah, everything and nothingness, everything came from him and everything will return to him, but the forces of chaos try to prevent this, they try to block this reality by creating distortions of time and space that are fixed by cyclical catastrophes every year. millions of years, not only on Earth, but on various worlds in the universe. The current earth is going through yet another cycle change where more than 90 percent of this humanity will be eliminated, it is called the Apocalypse, the revelation of the end, but after this terrible chaos the earth will begin a cycle of light that will take humanity to another dimension of the universe, a dimension of infinite light beyond the hierarchies and dominations of chaos. This work shows man the existence of other inhabited worlds, governed by hierarchies and dominations, some of chaos and others of light.
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