Om The Dawn of Janus
The Panama Canal is under attack. Two Masons are involved in an exciting search for clues that will take them through the most mysterious corners of Panama and Colon. Among World War II bunkers, unknown temples and other secret places, these brave investigators will be accompanied by a Mossad agent and another sent by the Chinese Secret Service. In a race against the clock, they must unmask those responsible before the Dawn of Janus is upon them. This is a story full of intrigue and adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final denouement. In the best style of The Secrets of the Brotherhood, this novel will include images, photos and documents that will allow you to become the protagonist of the story. Biography
Amilcar Gotti is a Panamanian author and Mason who has actively participated in various positions in lodges of different jurisdictions. In his novels, "The Secrets of the Brotherhood" and "The Dawn of Janus", Gotti weaves a fictional story inspired by his own experiences and real life events. Through his writings, Gotti offers a unique insight into the inner workings of the Masonic Brotherhood, based on his first-hand knowledge and experience. Endorsement
As a philologist and a lover of literature about the Canal, I am more than delighted to have stumbled upon a cutting-edge canal novel that, rather than getting lost in speculation about what might or might not be in the future, lays out for us a real fact of our history. The author puts one screen of cloth after another in our perception to obscure the case, hiding the action among all the names that want to bring a bit of suspicion or difficulty to the story: the Mossad, the Chinese Secret Service, the Masons, the irregular Masons, the colonist gangs, the mercenaries. It is a completely fast-paced novel that will help you understand some of Panama's moments much better. Who will win? Ãlvaro Valderas
Writer and Doctor in Spanish Literature.
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