Om The Final Mission of Harbie the Raging Jihadi
In Muslim history there was a group of extremists known as the "assassins." They were addicts and would smoked hashish before embarking on a mission to assassinate a person. The chief of the assassins would determine who would be slated for an assassination mission. The assassins were zealots. They based their approach on fabricated reports about the prophet Muhammad, according to which he sent a death squad to kill a pregnant female poet in her sleep, because she wrote unflattering poetry about him. Death squads of this kind "work" to this day. Harbie was a member of the Warriors of the Mahdi. He was already among the most-wanted extremists. Mohamad Rejab was a YouTuber. He espoused traditional Islam. He wanted to restore the "unity of the umma." He had problems with reformers. He thought they wanted to "destroy Islam from within." He was particularly irate with people that questioned the sunna. He referred to them as "hadith rejectors." Rejab was unhappy with his followers. A few "expressed doubts" about religion. He shouted at them and referred to them as "weak." He was not an intellectual, although he tried to present himself as such. He denounced a fellow YouTuber in a video. A gang of thugs broke into the house of the person and terrorized his family. By breaking into the house, these persons violated the teaching of Islam. For chapter 49, the Inner Apartments, guides us to greet the dwellers of a house and ask for permission before entering anyone's dwelling. The thugs did not bother with that. In attacking the family, they committed several felonies. They perpetrated a public disturbance, damaged private property, broke into a house, illegally entered a private residence, and kidnapped the persons in the house. Thank God, no one was hurt. There was a case earlier that a person was treated as an enemy of Islam. A few thugs broke into his house and terrorized his family. Scotland Yard must catch the culprits and make them take responsibility for their actions. Rejab made a YouTube video and denouncing me as an apostate, too. According to traditional ulema, but not according to Allah, abandoning Islam is punishable by death. Rashad Khalifa was murdered after being declared an apostate by a group of 38 ulema. Harbie grew up in Pakistan. He went to a madrassa that taught the prophetic tradition but not revelation. He was taught that Muslim are to rule the world. Harbie was rabid. According to him, Islamic jihad is an all-out war; it begins with force and violence. It includes attacking the religious places of the kuffar. It also includes efforts to divide the kuffar, including ridiculing the kuffar traditions. It demands conversion, and ends with [the] killing of those kuffar that refuse to accept Muslim rule and pay jizya (exemption tax). After hearing Rejab expressing dissatisfaction about my activities on YouTube, Harbie resolved to earn his place in paradise with "taking care" of me. The "Warriors of the Mahdi" were present on Clubhouse. They had rooms bashing the Quran-centric groups. They made threats against all who disagreed with them, and attempted to have the Quran-centric clubs banned from Clubhouse. Recently we went on a vacation on Samui. I made my plans plain on Facebook. It appears Harbie followed me there. Harbie arrived the Relax Bungalows. "They plotted and planned, and Allah also plotted and planned. And Allah is the best of the planners." We were enjoying our stay in Samui, and I was getting work done. One night, however, I heard a rumbling noise. A stranger was attempting to enter the bungalow through the window. He had a firearm. I ran out of the bungalow. He chased me. I heard shots. A few bullets whizzed past me. Then there were more shots. But these sounded differently. I turned around and saw the assassin fall to the ground. Another person emerged behind him. "Oh no, there's another one." My heart sank...
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