Om The Gospel According to Gamaliel
Gamaliel, the sensitive, spiritually-minded grandson of the great Hillel and teacher of Saul, was a leading and influential figure in the days of Jesus. Many were the students who flocked to listen to his words of wisdom, to learn of tolerance, of common sense, and of the love of one God. It is of such a man that Gerald Heard writes--a man who was a thousand years ahead of his age. Woven around historically accurate facts, the story is written as Gamaliel's journal about Jesus and the early Christian movement. First by hearsay, then through friends, and finally by encounter with Jesus of Nazareth himself, Gamaliel learned of this vitalizing, dynamic teaching of love as a way of life. With the account of Peter and Paul's meeting in Jerusalem the author concludes this unique presentation, which gives new insight into the life and teachings of Jesus and a clear delineation of Gamaliel, a heretofore shadowy personality of the first century era.
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