Alborz Azar has dedicated his first book, 'WHO DID IIT' in the series to Pantea (Lana). After his Pantea (Azar's Eshgham) professed as Lana inspires him to write and share his memoirs with the world, Azar started writing the story after an incident in March 2018. Although, Azar was aware that her presence has to be kept from the limelight, as she likes her personal life private. But he felt the love he had for her was an incredible event that needed to be written on paper. The only other person Alborz ranks higher than Pantea is Rozhan his wife.
'WHO DID IIT' is inspired by the true story of Pantea (now 41 years old) and Alborz (now 66 years old). In their journey, Alborz learns Pantea does not believe in love, yet somehow, she teaches him what he thought was love, is not the same as truly caring for someone unconditionally.
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