Om 2026 Standard Catalog of Firearms
What's That Gun Worth? For nearly 40 years, the Standard Catalog of Firearms has been helping buyers, sellers and collectors get the right answer every time. This massive works is firearm industry's No. 1illustrated guide to gun values. The 36th edition has been extensively revamped, offering morephotos, prices, and guns, with hundreds of new entries of rifles, shotguns andhandguns for virtually every gun made or sold since the early 1800s. Even ifyou have previous editions, this newest release now features current values froma wide range of experts, editors and auction houses on antique models using theNRA's industry-standard antique pricing system. Make no mistake: The 2026Standard Catalog of Firearms 36th Edition is yourmust-have guide to commercial firearms, past and present. INSIDE YOU'LLFIND: - Morethan 8,000 photos with extensive descriptions - Updatedvalues in six condition grades for more than 100,000 prices - Morethan 1,200 makers and 18,000 models of firearms and their values - Antiquefirearm pricing for pre-1899 guns using the NRA's rating system - Bonuscolor section: Collecting Custom Colts! Don't sell too lowor buy too high! Whether you're a serious gun collector, a casual gun-showtrader, a hunter or a recreational shooter, if you buy, sell or trade firearms, the 2026 Standard Catalog of Firearms 36th Edition isyour road map!
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