Om Cartridges of the World
The Comprehensive Guide to Metallic Cartridges Past and Present! If you're aserious shooter and reloader, you'll find the cartridges you love (and many younever dreamed of) in this newest edition of the most widely read cartridge referencebook ever published. Here are the latest introductions in standard Americansporting cartridges and hottest proprietary rounds, plus authoritative featurearticles by the gun industry's heavy hitters spotlighting everything from theesoteric to the state-of-the-art in ammo. Cartridge design, application, selection, tips, and more ... this book is packed with everything shooters, handloadersand cartridge collectors need to know. This huge, 672-page guide has been completely redesigned for easier reading and searching. Inside you'll find information and data on old, new and currently manufacturedammo. Heavily illustrated with hundreds of detailed photos, this book is your ultimateguide to current and historical ammunition for handguns and rifles. - Sporting, wildcat, handgun, military and other cartridge types- New! 7mmBackcountry, 7mm PRC, 22 ARC, 21 Sharp and more- Updatedspec and reference charts- Full-colorfeature section on shooting and ballistics- Expertadvice on handloads and cartridge selection- Dozensof new entries, including trendsetting wildcats From the latestcutting-edge factory loads to wildcats that will set ballistic trends for yearsto come, plus updated cartridge descriptions and the newly expanded full-colorfeature article section, Cartridges of the World, 18th Edition is themost comprehensive reference of its kind and a must-have for your library orreloading bench
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