Om Daddy's Girl, 40 Days of Inspiration, Reflection & Affirmations
If you have ever experienced something difficult-a death or any sort of loss, really-you know how difficult the healing process can be. Those feelings of emptiness, confusion, and loneliness roll up into one lump sum of sadness and begin to take hold of you quickly. You become at risk of losing yourself unless you find your purpose-your inspiration, your calling, your reason to keep plugging along-and move forward to share it with the world. April Webster explains how she did just that in Daddy's Girl.
Daddy's Girl is a collection of 40 days' worth of journal entries meant to inspire and instill hope in readers all around. Through personal anecdotes followed by supplications and affirmations, Webster encourages her readers to dig deep into their soul and get in touch with spirituality, for that is the perfect start to achieving the heart's desires. Let go and let God, and he will do the rest-and that is what it means to be daddy's girl.
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