Om Dear God, Thank You For Calling Me To The Carpet...A Wife's Prayer
Hidden 'scars' are those things which we have not yet dealt with. Whether these 'scars' are childhood trauma(s), family issues, or prior relationship issues, we all have them. They just may not have been exposed yet. But if you just wait for it, and wait for it some more, these 'scars' will make their debut. These are the 'scars' that the enemy uses to trap you. To keep you in bondage. To strong-hold you into believing that you will never be able to break free. These are the 'scars' that the enemy uses to trick you into doubting that you will never have a future with a healthy relationship. But the devil is a liar! This is the mere reason why we welcome God calling us to the carpet. Because in our prayers, we are asking God to rid us of all of that 'stuff' that prevents His glory from going forth in our lives. Rid us of all the 'stuff' that strangles us from walking in the role(s) that He has called us into. Getting called to the carpet empties you, so that God can fill you. Getting called to the carpet erases your 'old' ways of thinking and allows God to give you His 'new' way of thinking. Getting called to the carpet allows God to fill you with His fresh revelation. Getting called to the carpet allows God to fill you with His fresh direction. Getting called to the carpet allows God to fill you with His fresh instructions. FYI: God can use our hidden scars for His glory. Because, it is on the carpet that we are standing in accountability for our own actions. It is on the carpet that we are asking God to cleanse us in a way like only He can. Cleanse us of our own wickedness. Cleanse us of our own vulnerabilities. Cleanse us of our own insecurities. So that in all things, God will get the glory. We are presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice for God to use how He sees fit; holding onto nothing. We want to go into our marriage holding onto nothing. No past hurts. No past traumas. No past mistakes. No past triggers. No past unhealthy mindset(s). We desire going into our marriage holding onto nothing, but expecting God to give you everything.
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