Om Experiment
Currently, it is generally accepted Unidentified Flying Objects are buzzing around in our airspace under control. A question is who or what is controlling them.
Another question can a gal from an advanced civilization way out there in the cosmos find any-thing worth her time on the planet Earth in the 21st century hanging around with an old mechan-ic that drinks a lot and is 100,000 years behind her in evolution?
The Experiment is a catchy page turner that answers both questions. When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, nothing has been proven. However, a lot is accepted, and more disclosures are be-ing made and accepted every day. So, the time is right for this book. All of it could be true and a lot of it, I suspect is true. Carl Sagan said, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
The Experiment is different nothing like this has ever been done in the UFO field. It looks at the trials and tribulations of these two unlikely beings meeting and trying to work together in 20th century USA. The female is an off-world entity 100,000 years ahead in evolution than her part-ner a 20th century mechanic in the USA.
There of course are bad guys, good guys, even a little sex is also thrown in. Well, it is sort of a natural thing at least for one of them. And it always sells books.
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