Om From A Pastor's Heart And Hand
In a world that is often gasping for encouragement and hope, Pastor Joe Oswald has written a devotional book based upon the truth of Scripture that will inspire your heart with more faith, hope and love in God.On any given Sunday, every pastor faces a congregation which includes hurting people who are seeking comfort and looking for solutions. For such, this pastor/author has provided both, in an easy to read format written from a "been there, done that" perspective. His insights, reinforced with Biblical support, make this a "must read" for the weary traveler on life''s journey.Dr. Harold V. Nickel, Director, Focus For Joseph Paul Oswald is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Williams Arizona. He has served for nearly twenty years as first a Youth Pastor and then a Senior Pastor. He had the wonderful privilege of coaching children of various ages with Athletes in Training. He is also the author of A Little Child Shall Lead Them. 
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