Om God, Man, Lucifer, and the End Times
God, Man, Lucifer and the End Time, is a collection of seven stand-alone documents.
However, they all overlap and combine in a way only the Holy Spirit could implement.
Broadly, the writings are set out as follows-
The Trinity of our God and the evil opposition attempts to imitate them.
The rise and fall of the evil forces (Lucifer, Satan, Devil and the other fallen angels).
The consequences of the oppositions actions and the 'End Times' for the 'Church Age'.
These are quite complex topics, requiring a great deal of study to 'bring it all together'.
Prompted by the Holy Spirit and this work used as a 'foundation', may it lead to a greater understanding of the truth, majesty and love of our God.
Don't let the deceptions of the evil ones, lead you away, for the 'end times' are rapidly approaching which we await with joy and great anticipation.
The main purpose is to provide thought-provoking material to the person who, as Paul wrote to Timothy, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15.
I do not claim to have all the answers for the subjects contained within this book, but through the Holy Spirit, sought to apply a launch pad, for those who are compelled to search further the riches of God's mine, His word.
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