Om Peace in a Mad Dog World
Here is a unique combination of engrossing autobiography, wide-ranging travelogue, slam-bang adventure, and refreshing affirmation of Divine Providence-all in one relatively small volume.
- Don Bassett, author of The Daily Family Bible Reader and Joseph's Code
Warner Davis grew up in a region that is home to malarial mosquitoes, ravenous driver ants, prowling lions, 30-foot- long pythons, and highly venomous mambas. It is also a land of intertribal warfare, rebel occupations, and anarchic government. His father's call to serve as a missionary in the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and his mother's acceptance of that summons land them, his sister and him in tow, in a world of chaos.
A suspenseful story unfolds of Warner's dealing with fierce uncertainty. Light breaks through the darkness of despair when Warner reaches a conscious decision.
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