This is mainly a book of humor. It's a collection of six of my books. Each of them is about relationships in one form or another. The first book is titled "The Instruction Manual for the WIFE," (Wonderful Idea From Eden). It's about the unique creation known as WOMAN (Wondrous One Man Always Needs). The companion book is titled "How to Care for Your MAN," (Mate's Animalistic Needs). The third book is "How to Raise Your CHILD," (Cute Huggable Innocent Little Darling). The reason being is that you usually cannot have the MAN and WOMAN together without a CHILD soon coming along. The fourth book is "INSTINCTS," (Interesting Natural Secret Tendencies If Nature Could Teach Secrets). The story begins in the Garden of Eden and ends with a "Revelation." In this narrative, I examine how a man would live if all he had were instincts. How would he behave, what would he eat, and how would he find it? How would he attract a mate and what would he do once he did? How would he survive on only what he was born with? The books five and six are much different. Book Five contains "The Lost Proverbs." Like the biblical Proverbs they say a lot with just a few words. Book Six is "Kenny's Sayings," they are like the "Lost Proverbs" except they are humorous. I wrote these books to be entertaining and I hope they are.
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