Norges billigste bøker

Hobby og fritid

Her finner du mange interessante temaer innen hobby og fritid. Vi ønsker deg velkommen til et spennende rom med sport, gåter og spill, som sikkert vil gi deg et smil om munnen. Dersom du er en kreativ sjel, har vi samlet en mengde bøker for deg om kreativitet og gjør-det-selv-aktiviteter. Hvis du ikke har en kreativ hobby på fritiden, har vi et stort sortiment bestående av alt fra dyr og natur til hus og hager. Noe for deg som enten elsker duften av dine vakre blomster i hagen eller vil dekorere huset ditt med vakre planter. Få inspirasjon fra våre bøker og finn en hobby eller andre aktiviteter du kan drive med på fritiden, eller bli klokere i dine eksisterende interesser og les for eksempel om de mange populære sportsbegivenheter.
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  • Spar 14%
  • - Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long, 2nd Edition
    av Eliot Coleman

    Shows how gardeners can successfully use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter vegetables in backyard cold frames and plastic covered tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat.

  • - A Sideways Look at Time
    av Jay Griffiths

    'A wonderful piece of polemic against everything that's wrong with the way we deal with time today.' Independent

  • - The New Art of Teaching and Training
    av Karen Pryor

  • - The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised
    av Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his secrets to dedication, training, and commitment and shows you how to realise your own potential for greatness.

  • Spar 10%
    av Paul Stamets

    A detailed and comprehensive guide for growing and using gourmet and medicinal mushrooms commercially or at home."Absolutely the best book in the world on how to grow diverse and delicious mushrooms."-David Arora, author of Mushrooms Demystified With precise growth parameters for thirty-one mushroom species, this bible of mushroom cultivation includes gardening tips, state-of-the-art production techniques, realistic advice for laboratory and growing room construction, tasty mushroom recipes, and an invaluable troubleshooting guide. More than 500 photographs, illustrations, and charts clearly identify each stage of cultivation, and a twenty-four-page color insert spotlights the intense beauty of various mushroom species. Whether you're an ecologist, a chef, a forager, a pharmacologist, a commercial grower, or a home gardener-this indispensable handbook will get you started, help your garden succeed, and make your mycological landscapes the envy of the neighborhood.

  • av Emiliano Marino

    Suitable for a sailor and mariner, this guide combines 700 drawings with philosophically probing commentary.

  • Spar 14%
    av Nick Schade

    Strip-building - assembling a pile of thin wood strips into a functional hull - has been a popular canoe-building method for many years. This title helps construct a finished kayak. It presents plans and measurements for three kayaks: Great Auk, Guillemot, and Guillemot Double.

  • Spar 15%
    - The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds
    av Mary Evelyn Tucker

    In this book, 20 religionists and environmentalists examine Buddhism's understanding of life's web. In noting the cultural diversity of Buddhism, they highlight aspects of the tradition that may help formulate an effective environmental ethics, citing examples from Asia and the U.S. of socially engaged Buddhist projects to protect the environment.

  • av Stan Lee

    Stan Lee, the founding father of Marvel Comics, and John Buscema, artist of the classic Silver Surfer series, give professional advice and instruction for budding comics artists. Learn how to draw the Marvel way, courtesy of this lavishly illustrated, step-by-step guide to all facets of the process.

  • Spar 10%
    av Kiyosi Seike
    322 - 338,-

  • av Dr. Bob Rotella

    Golf is Not a Game of Perfect is a captivating book penned by Dr. Bob Rotella. Published by Simon & Schuster in 2004, this masterpiece is much more than just a sports book. It falls under the genre of self-help and psychology, and it has been helping golfers refine their mental game for over a decade. Dr. Rotella, a renowned sports psychologist, uses his expertise to guide readers through the mental aspects of golf. He believes that golf, contrary to popular belief, is not a game of perfect. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of confidence, focus, and a positive mindset. Simon & Schuster have proudly been its publisher, helping bring Dr. Rotella's insights to golfers around the world. This book is written in English and is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their golf game and their life.

  • av Martin Cleeve

    A fully comprehensive survey of the use of a lathe for all forms of screwcutting in all thread forms, imperial and metric. Calculations, gear trains, conversions, etc are all explained and also set out in tabular form.

  • Spar 13%
    av Alan Flusser

  • av Leil Lowndes

  • - Basic Techniques and Easy-to-Follow Directions for Garments to Fit All Sizes
    av Elizabeth Zimmerman

    Classic knitting bible that removes the frustration and puts the fun back into knitting with easy-to-follow instructions and timeless designs.

  • - Western Attitudes Since Ancient Times
    av Peter Coates
    268 - 701

    aeo A lively, accessible introduction to the history of nature and the environment. aeo An outline of the major understandings of a naturea in the western world since classical times from nature as higher authority to its more recent meaning of a threatened form of life.

  • Spar 28%
    - 25Th Anniversary Edition
    av L Cateura

    This guide to painting in oils examines such topics as massing values, chiaroscuro and light value, handling edges and other topics.

  • av Peter Blegvad

    Assembles the cream of Levi and Cat's adventures in a 160pp hardback - produced, with flat-bound, mirrored cover boards and colour printing throughout.

  • - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
    av Paul Stamets

    Mycelium Running is a manual for the mycological rescue of the planet. That's right: growing more mushrooms may be the best thing we can do to save the environment, and in this groundbreaking text from mushroom expert Paul Stamets, you'll find out how. The basic science goes like this: Microscopic cells called "mycelium"--the fruit of which are mushrooms--recycle carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements as they break down plant and animal debris in the creation of rich new soil. What Stamets has discovered is that we can capitalize on mycelium's digestive power and target it to decompose toxic wastes and pollutants (mycoremediation), catch and reduce silt from streambeds and pathogens from agricultural watersheds (mycofiltration), control insect populations (mycopesticides), and generally enhance the health of our forests and gardens (mycoforestry and myco-gardening). In this comprehensive guide, you'll find chapters detailing each of these four exciting branches of what Stamets has coined "mycorestoration," as well as chapters on the medicinal and nutritional properties of mushrooms, inoculation methods, log and stump culture, and species selection for various environmental purposes. Heavily referenced and beautifully illustrated, this book is destined to be a classic reference for bemushroomed generations to come.

  • av Maricristin Sealey

    This comprehensive, well illustrated book gives the confidence to produce a unique, handcrafted toy from natural materials.

  • av Caroline and Nick Pope

    Lovely Danish porcelain figurines by the Dahl-Jensen company are showcased in this first and superb reference for collectors. Celebrated designer Jens Peter Dahl-Jensen worked for the Bing & Grohdahl company before founding his own firm in 1925. He modeled new sculptures, particularly creating a wonderful series representing models from the Far East, which he produced as figurines in the early days of the companys growth. Later, he acquired the works of other artists to enlarge the model collection. Of the almost 400 figurines the factory produced, Dahl-Jensen himself sculpted about 280. All the known figurines made by the company are included, arranged in both numerical and subject matter order, for easy reference. Over 350 color photographs display the natural wildlife and charming people that occupy this high quality line of sculpture. They are growing in popularity among collectors and presently are surprisingly affordable. Current values are reflected in the captions.

  • av Clifford W. Ashley

    First published in 1944, and reprinted many times since then, the latest reissue of this magnificent book contains, for the first time, fully illustrated details of all minor amendments and corrections that have come to light over the years.

  • Spar 16%
    av Dr. Joseph Parent

    In this ground-breaking approach to golf instruction, Dr Joseph Parent, both a noted PGA Tour coach and a respected Buddhist teacher, draws on this natural connection to teach golfers how to play with more consistency and less frustration, and consequently how to lower their scores.

  • - A comprehensive guide to mushroom identification
    av Roger Phillips

    'Roger Phillips has written the best mushroom book I know.' Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallThe culmination of over thirty years' work, Roger Phillips's authoritative and superbly illustrated reference work is packed with the most up-to-date information and original photographs. The essential illustrated mycological encyclopedia, this book is also clear, user friendly and will appeal to a wide range of readers. Unsurpassed in both illustrative and descriptive detail, Mushrooms contains over 1,250 photographs, often showing the specimens in various stages of growth, and includes all the latest botanical and common names as well as current ecological information on endangered species. Having sold more than 750,000 copies in Europe of his previous title on mushrooms, Roger Phillips's Mushrooms once again sets the benchmark. Quite simply, nobody with an interest in the subject can afford to be without this book.

  • Spar 17%
    av Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Includes the basic concepts on exercise, training principles, contest preparation, diet and nutrition that have evolved into modern bodybuilding. This title answers various question bodybuilders could ask. It offers a reference and instructional manual covering various aspect of the sport.

  • av Bill Watterson
    1 461 - 1 991

    The entire body of Calvin and Hobbescartoons published in a truly noteworthy tribute to this singular cartoon in The Complete Calvin and Hobbes.

  • Spar 17%
    - Miniature to Majestic Sculpture, 1850-1925
    av Ben Rapaport

  • Spar 14%
    av Haynes Publishing


På finner du mange bøker om dine interesser, og hvis du ikke har en enda, får du inspirasjon og mange ideer til din nye hobby her. Hobbyer er både fysisk og psykisk sunt for deg. Du trenger ikke å være interessert i de mest aktive sportene eller trene hver dag på treningsstudioet, hobbyer er også bra for deg. Her vil selve lesingen både redusere stressnivået ditt, mens inspirasjonen gir deg muligheten til å gjøre fritiden din mer spennende. Det er derfor stressede mennesker med en hektisk hverdag ofte trenger en hobby. Her kan de ha stor nytte av noe annet som ikke er arbeidsrelatert. Vi sørger imidlertid for at vi har spennende bøker for alle. 
Hobbyer har mange fordeler. I tillegg til å styrke helsen din og redusere stressnivået, kan det også gjerne føre til en gruppeaktivitet. Her kan du stifte bekjentskap med andre mennesker som har de samme behovene og interessene som deg. Din hobby kan dermed føre til en ny vennekrets, som kan være vennskap som varer livet ut.
Selv om det kan være demotiverende når du våkner om morgenen og egentlig bare vil sove videre, viser dagen seg ofte å være bedre enn du forventet etter å ha gjort din hobby eller aktivitet gjennom noen få minutter. Det handler om å ta sjansen og hoppe inn i nye aktiviteter, selv om du ikke alltid har lyst. Gi det en sjanse og prøv det, så kanskje du endrer mening og får lyst senere.

Hobby inspirasjon

Vanlige fritidsaktiviteter får generelt alle til å føle seg bedre, enten det er barna på skolen eller de voksne på arbeidsmarkedet. Hvis du vil ha en inspirasjonsbok for det eldre barnet, eller bare vil gjøre dem klokere på hobbyen sin, kan du også finne den her. Her kan hobbyer utvikle barnets profesjonalitet og språkkunnskaper, samt gi dem en høyere konsentrasjonsevne. De får et bedre hukommelse og kan yte det beste på skolen.

Hvis du har tenkt på en ny hobby å gjøre på fritiden og ønsker å finne inspirasjon for deg eller ditt eldre barn, vil du ikke bli skuffet over vårt utvalg. Vi går ikke på kompromiss med fritiden din, så hvis du enten vil ha den ville ekstremsporten, ønsker å trene enkelt eller vil ha en kreativ hobby med f.eks. garn og strikkepinner, da finner du alt her. Vi har et stort og bredt utvalg av bøker på mange forskjellige språk og har derfor gjort det enkelt for deg å komme i gang.

Gjør som tusenvis av andre bokelskere

Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev og få rabatter og inspirasjon til din neste leseopplevelse.